We’re really internet and we’re here to stay. A website about things Will & Seb and various friends & guests think are interesting. Little-to-no specific focus, a bit odd, speling errors, and incredibly culturally relevant. Not the first nor the last. Why copy when you can steal?

The Internet Times

From our servers worldwide to your browser, enjoy tomorrow’s news today.

LVMH PublishingWeather

“Real readers use a laptop.”

Other sites steal your data without telling you. Being respectful internet citizens, we think it’s only right to ask you for your info directly. We don’t use Google Analytics or any other means of tracking you — doing so seems undignified.

If you want to share your info with us, we’d be happy to have it. Feel free to include your name, credit card info, social security number, or whatever the hell else you want. We won’t intentionally share your data, but we aren’t responsible for the stuff you send. Lol.